What is a SPOCO Time Trial Event?
SPOCO is derived from the description for a time trial route as a 'SPOrting COurse'.
This means it is run on quiet country lanes, usually with a few hills and bends to add interest.
SPOCO time trials are great fun and are ideal for competitors of all abilities.
The aim is to cover the full distance of the course in the shortest time you can. Each rider is set off individually, a minute apart.
See more about the SPOCO Series at the end of this page...
It is VITAL that you read, understand and act on the following information.
If you do not, you will not be able to compete, as we will not make special arrangements for you.
Maintain at least 2m social distancing.
We will DISQUALIFY anyone who doesn't follow these rules.
1. Don't feel well? Stay at home.
2. Sign on for BRCC organised events online at home or in your car, using your phone or PC only
3. No pusher-off
4. Rear-Light: You MUST have a functioning, switched-on rear light fitted to your bike
We cannot come and get you if you puncture - take spares and a phone.
You can ONLY sign-on online, at least 30 minutes before you ride.
Sign-on at
If you do not sign on online, you do not ride.
You can only sign on if you have already booked, using the booking form below.
We will send you the sign-on procedure again in your confirmation email
You MUST use your own phone or PC and your own internet connection to sign on.
NB: New CTT Ruling:
You MUST fit a functioning rear RED light for the duration of your ride. No light, no ride.
What you need to know about the SPOCO Series
You must enter online using this form. Entries close the day before the event at around noon.
The SPOCO events are a series of time trails in which Club Members compete against the clock on hilly SPOrting COurses.
They are usually held on Sunday mornings. Check bedsroad.org or Facebook for latest timings.
If you want to try competitive cycling, the SPOCO Series is an ideal introduction. Most of our SPOCO events are held on
lanes around Cardington village. Some however are Interclub events.
Inter-club events are held between ourselves and our friends at the Icknield Road Cycling Club, the Hitchin Nomads CC St Neots and CC Ashwell.
Points are awarded for each race and a final winning club is revealed at the end of the season. Second claim riders can compete in
the inter-club events representing the BRCC.
Club Members, competing for the SPOCO Trophy earn points for each race, and the best 8 results are added to give a final
Entry Details
Riders who wish to compete in the SPOCO Series and for the handicap awards should complete the online entry form. Bookings open to all, but priority to Beds Road members if we get a full field.
SPOCOs are held on Sunday mornings, the first rider is off at 9:01am for all events apart from inter-club events and events on the A600 / A507, which may be different - see info nearer the time.
Entry Fees
Event entry fee is £5.00, payable on the start line. No change given.
NEW ! We will be taking contactless card payments as an experiment for the first few events. Please bring a £5 note, in case we have any gremlins, but If you would prefer to pay by card, please bring it to try. If all goes well, the plan is take card payments permanently.
Under 18?
Riders aged under 18 must submit a parental consent form, signed by their parent or guardian.
This form can be downloaded from the CTT website.
Riders under 18 get reduced entry fee of £2.00.
Conduct at the Events & Regulations
Arrive on time as the start is not always outside the Clubhouse, and you may find the Clubhouse locked.
Parking: if you cannot travel to the Clubhouse by bike, please do not park
across our neighbours' driveways, and do not park outside the Clubhouse or near the start and finish lines; and also note that we
do not have permission to use the Village Hall car park.
We must keep the road outside the Clubhouse clear, and must respect our neighbours - please keep your voices down when outside the clubhouse.
We STRONGLY recommend the wearing of a hard shell helmet, and will REQUIRE all riders under 18 to wear one - this is a CTT rule.
NB: New CTT Ruling:
You MUST fit a functioning rear RED light for the duration of your ride. No light, no ride.
No u-turns in the road within sight of the start and finish lines.
CTT Regulation 21 - Paced & Company Riding: Competitors must ride entirely alone and unassisted and not ride in company or take shelter
(commonly known as drafting) from other riders or vehicles. A competitor overtaking another must pass without receiving or giving shelter.
The onus of avoiding company riding shall be upon the rider overtaken. Riders who brach this regulation will be disqualified.
On crossing the finish line please LOUDLY call out your number to help the timekeepers, otherwise your time may not be recorded.
Please do not disturb the timekeepers, mingle around them, or block their view - they will be busy recording other riders' times.
If you cannot ride If you have booked and are on the start sheet, we expect you to ride. We have reserved a place for you, we have expended effort and time in putting the event on for you. We fully understand that sometimes, circumstances mean that you cannot ride. In these cases, we consider it is common courtesy for a rider who is unable to sign on, to inform the organiser BEFORE the event, that he or she cannot ride. This then allows us to allocate that place to another rider who may be able to benefit from it.
We reserve the right to refuse all future entries from riders who are seen to regularly book, not sign on, and fail to show the simple courtesy of offering an apology before the event.
We try to have the results available on the results page soon after each event. There will be no results at the club house.
Inter-Club Scoring System
Our Inter Club Time Trial Competition consists five events – 10M, 15M, 25M, 30M and a Hill Climb. Five Clubs (CCA, BRCC, HNCC, IRC and SNCC) take part and each hosts one event. The Scoring System used in recent years did not properly recognise the performance of Women competitors. This was putting some off from riding and causing disappointment amongst those who did.
The fastest Woman will in general be slower than the fastest Man but should have the opportunity to bring home the same number of points to their Club as the fastest Man. To address this issue a new System has been agreed by the five Clubs. It will be used for the 2018 Competition and then reviewed when the Competition has concluded. Broadly speaking, a Woman’s (or Man’s) relative performance against her (or his) peers is what really counts. Women and Men are treated equally, but according to the volume of each riding. In detail:
Riders are put into a Category – Men or Women (Trans-gender to be dealt with according to CTT Regulation 10 – Gender Categories).
Each Category must have at least 3 riders, or else it is merged with another Category.
For each Category the fastest rider’s points equals the number of riders in the Category having the most number of riders.
The slowest rider’s points in each Category is one.
The other riders are awarded points equally spread out between the fastest and slowest rider in the Category, with fractions rounded up to the nearest whole number.
The number of riders for each Club whose points will count towards the competition shall be that of the Club with the lowest number of finishers, but this number shall be no lower than 8.
The top scorers from across the Categories are included.
It is hoped that this new fairer System will encourage more Women to compete in an excellent season-long Competition with heritage going back very many years. It will ensure that our Women’s efforts are just as valuable to our Club as the Men’s. The System shall be reviewed at the end of the season. It could be easily extended in future years to include other Categories (e.g. Juveniles, Super-Veterans) should the need arise.