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Cycle for Ukraine: 20 March, 11am

Ukraine appeal ride

Join us on a gentle 15 mile fundraising ride to provide urgent help to Ukrainians displaced by the War.

Entry = £10 donation, more if you can afford it, please.

All proceeds to DEC Ukrainian appeal.

If you have blue & yellow kit, please wear it.
Departing 11am Market Square, St. Neots, with riders from other local clubs, let's make this a GREAT success!

Please donate by BACS, before the event, to:

  Beds Road Cycling Club
  Account number: 01293926
  Sort Code: 30-90-66
  Payment Reference: UKR Appeal

Support Ukraine

Cycle for Ukraine Route

Questions? Contact Mark Gray on 07917 864402

Thank you, in grateful anticipation of your valued generosity!

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© 2024 Bedfordshire Road Cycling Club
Southill Road, Cardington, MK44 3SX, England
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